Jing Wang
PHD. Jing Wang
PHD. Jing Wang, currently is the director of Xplatform Ltd., which focuses on propelling “Cloud and Mobile” transformation in various industries of HK.
Since Jing Wang got her PHD degree, she has comprehensive experiences in applications of AI techniques, New energy sources analysis, the application of Block chain, Higher Education in electrical engineering, Program Management and General Management.
When Jing Wang worked as a professor in Zhejiang university of technology, she won a lot of teaching honors, such as Second prize in national young teacher teaching skills competition,' San Yu Ren 'Advanced teacher of Zhejiang province, et al.
Now Dr. Jing Wang is also the CHIEF SCIENTIST of Hangzhou Fugle technology Ltd., which owns almost 200 employees and has devoted on the field of mobile working of taxation for 10 years. Under the leadership of Dr. Jing Wang, Hangzhou Fugle technology Ltd. developed its first intelligent Tax Robot and the first Block Chain model using in electronic delivery of tax. Now Hangzhou fugle technology Ltd. is in close cooperation with Alibaba Group.